Every one knows that there are boys and there are girls ...

But thats where the difference ends ... We each think with what we call are brain ... The so called sex organs Do No thinking ... They sit there waiting to be used by us for the perpose of giving us pleasure wile having sex ... Childrem can be the result of this Behavior, but not always ...  So in this , Sex is a Game two or more people play to feel good about who they just had sex with . where love is an emotion that one person has for some one that they may not have for them ...

                                                                                                 Mates what are they:

 How do you choose your mate…? When we first look at some one we are attracted to them... As we start to talk to them, we learn we do not like them based on how they talk to us, and or, how they talk to the people we like or dislike...  This like or dislike for them at this point creates what we call feelings for them. In this they become Acquaintance, then Good Acquaintance, then we grow to truest them… a group of most trusted people are called the krin.  In an Elvin belief system a girl can have as many mates as she likes, but then so can a boy. These mates are people we might be having sex with. And that’s ok... Every one like to brag a little about how many, or who they just did… only the beliefs of the system you’re in forbids certain actions, as being bad or unacceptable. A kind of moral brick wall that you might be hitting, in the pursuit of finding someone expectable to be with in other people’s eyes.

In this we may hand fast to as many people as we like. For we know that we are capable of having feelings for more than one person at a time... and jealousy is considered a hatred for the other person, because it places the jealous person in the place of being a dictator in the relationship.  

 This brings us to friendship, For friendship is based on what the other person can do for me, or what can I do for the other person that they might like me, or like me better than they do now.So I can use what they have to further my own ends. . For as soon as we disagree in something small or stupid we tend to separate and go are own way. Some times in what we call a fight. This fight is a pretends in ending the friendship, rather we understand that or not... It deals in are beliefs, Are likes and are dislikes... Based in what we are willing to put up with out of need or want.

                                                                                       Drunk Girls:

What is a social habit or mannerism? Let’s look at it like this: When a girl goes out drinking. What’s taking place...?  She is lowering what she thinks of other people’s opinions of her. Because when you get drunk or have been drinking you stop caring about how other people see you.  And you become flirtatious. With people you normally would not even say hi to. So in this you have lowered your standards in your sexual pursuits. Becoming more permissive with other people, because you don’t care what others think. It your body after all you will use it with who ever you want. Hic up… slur …But then you get so drunk you say you don’t have control over your own actions... this is not true... you could have stopped drinking before you got that permissive. But permissive you are and you don’t say no to any one… and that’s ok until you remember what you were doing, and with whom,  not to mention how people now think of you. That you’re not drunk, as you are now calling it, you might even make up some kind of story to hide what you did... so others won’t think so badly of you … Not that they believe you but they don’t want you to stop being that permissive around them... they might be that luck stiff you are around next… … … But what takes place if you don’t like the Guy that you were with, how do you handle it... And if you have a boy friend or husband does He know and how will he handle it if he doesn’t. Ah…social graces. Room for black male, As they call it. If your husband don’t know and I can get pictures or some thing else... then why not ask you to be permissive with me. So I don’t talk to him about what I saw or maybe went throw with you. These are social habits and mannerisms of almost every one in a controlled life stile. Elves Believe you have the right to be permissive as you want to be. With who ever and how many other you might want to be with. So there is no need to lie about it. And there is no need to control your mate’s social habits. But as an elf I do have some rights as to the social mannerisms toward my first and second mates, Sexual behavior as a kind of respect we give to one another. You see we have 1 first mate and all other mates are considered seconded mates. I will explain all of this in the tab Sexual behavior. But you should know, we as elves Do Not Stop our Mates From having sex with others.

Now to get back to social Habits or Mannerism – we should know this if nothing else. They are created through other people’s opinions of how we should act in certain conditions, toward what kind of things they would like us to do, and what their willing to say is alright for us to do. As to their likes and their dislikes of our actions, that they are looking at or going through, as we are doing them, and all this is done through their personal beliefs. So you should ask your self, what are beliefs. And what is a belief system. I will explain all of this in the tab Belief’s


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