
 Is not the same for every one. No two people think exactly the same about any thing.. They are created through of other people’s opinions of how we should act in certain conditions, toward what kind of things they would like us to do, and what their willing to say is alright for us to do. As to their likes and their dislikes of our actions, that they are looking at or going through, as we are doing them, and all this is done through their personal beliefs. So you should ask your self, what are beliefs. And what is a belief system. I will explain all of this in the tab Belief’s


                                                                                            Ideas have changed the world.

 I have witnessed it first hand, The power of Ideas… I know people kill in the name of them. And do so with out the thought of others having the right to there own ideas, Religions create ideas in the way of social standers, and they tell you, you must live in these standers or die with out the aid of there Deity saving you from what ever torment they tell you, you will go through for not fallowing there Moral Standards that there Deity Demands you fallow… Then there is the Do as I say not as I Do kind of Morals, Those who do not rise to the minimal moral level of applying to themselves the standards they apply to others, so as to try to control who does what and with whom, and some Religions base there entire theology on this out look… You know the type... My Deity is better than your Deity, So your Deity is a Devil because it will not do what we tell it to. And that makes it bad, and so if you don’t want to be the bad person you will do as we say... Description of various religions and ethical or moral systems vary on who you ask and what they think of what you’re saying of The objective comparative principal as it relates to there moral standards. Nobody likes to be told there wrong, Not right, or that there belief in that moral way a life is a sham… Even if that is only your opinion of them.

It is by onion only, Compounded and framed, which we perceive as our Beliefs  And in this representation of the Idea of Self, the imaginative power forms the inward faculty that judge our external senses as having substance. In affect creating every thing that is in existence as we believe it to be.

                                                                                              Ambition is Constant Desire :

 We have not only sought to refine our environment but also refine our selves… In this, the results of ambition are often built in superstition. Making Possible the evaluation of such behaviors as religion, therefore man is not just a self-realization and reliant on self, but imaginative with primitive reasoning skills that are structured through learned behaviorisms. Trained habits of thought brought in to existence in what we call logical thinking… A kind of mannerism we use wile doing what we like to Do… And think of as right for us as we try to live in the group and social settings… We make are self’s believe what we want, and create what we want to see in this superstition. By way of what we don’t know or understand and call it real and fact as others see it, it takes a hold of the opinions of others or our self’s and it becomes what we choose to believe as fact...

                                                                                                       So what is ethics :

                                                                          Ethics are created in the action, as we form our habits.

As we choose to do this over that, we strengthen how fast are bodies respond to that or this stimulus. Creating a patterning of what we like best and the way we act with out thinking about what we are doing.

                                                                                We like to think of are selves as logical thinkers. 

We like to think we have the right to tell others how to think in their own morale structures, as if our opinion should matter to them. And we get upset as others tell us what we can do in our lives, or how to believe,  as we tell our selves they have all the nerve telling me what to do. How Dare thy. Or should we say, how dare we act like that to others... I guess the choice is yours to make, if you choose to.

                                                                                                                                                    Reason :

Ideas in thought, a mix of Believe with ideas, An assumptions or premise that generates conclusions, The idea of being rational, The idea of the ability to think clearly, The motivational cause giving incentive to purpose through out intentions, and a sense of intelligence in logic.


Motivates a particular course of action, So any factor that enables promotional recognition supply theory that helps bring about that or those action, and induces a course of  influence  or persuasion entirely consistent of the incentive bring about a response .


                                                                                                                   Money is a Motivator in the idea of Morals

If you have More Money then some one else, you tend to think of your self as a More Morally sound person. Because if you don’t have money, you are forced, as you see it, to do certain things over other things, that others might not agree with. In this Giving the appearance of a socially accepted moral standard according to group mentality through, social pressures. Making Money is the guiding factor in what morals are, and who controls the idea of the standards to live by. And every one who is reading this will say oh no that’s not me... but it is you … Like it or Not  … People will do what people will do, for there own reasons and Money is the Motivating factor. We need it to barter or to buy things … and that will never change, We just can’t provide every thing we need for are selves... So we must barter for it. Either with Money or some kind or Serves of some kind, Be it some thing we like or dislike it don’t matter. It is some thing that must be done to get that item that we believe we need. Unless we can get it some other way, Stealing perhaps. But that takes us back to our own Rules, Obligations and Laws that we create to place are selves in to society. And is not considered a moral positioning. But a legal intent of are own action as we associate with others. So rules are in effect the line we draw in the sand for are selves, the obligation are the expectation with in the rules and the law is a kind of punishment for going over are own line that we draw in the sand. Please click the tab law to learn more about Rules, Obligations and Laws and what the government is suppose to protect.  According to your rights to Life Library and Justice for all.


                                                                                 There is what is known as a Moral Free For All ...

                                                       The Moral lines we draw in the sand for ourselves can not be maintained for all people .
                        For each person Creates what they thinks of as Morality, Wile Doing What it is they finds necessary. At the time they are doing things ...

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