What is Commonsense :

                                                                                                      The biggest

                                                                                     Misunderstanding that people have.

                                                                         Is that they think others believe the Same as they do

                                                                              About what they think of as commonsense …

 What we call commonsense is trained in to us … As We Learn to Associate, We Place our selves at the point of importance. And tend to think of others as having no commonsense in matters of importance to us … And what we think of as Right must be Right Because we thought of it … After all, How can we be wrong when we used our intelligences to come up to the idea of commonsense … And what sense does that make when dealing with the idea of things,

I have heard It said :

 –( When you are up to your ass in alligators, you tend to for get, It’s your job is to take Care of, and to Maintain the swamp … )- 

The possibility to see The potential event, as a coincidental part of structured order, so as a single event, real or imagined, Can have an impacted on the possibility of potential events in the way of the outcome …   This some times interferes with cause and effect by initiating an interference in are actions, creating new possible outcomes and creating other entrances or acceptance of some other thing, bring into practice a new repetition or course of action. So in this the choice that can never be taken back, has already been taken in are actions. Only other choices can change the outcome of events as they are now in play.

You should know … not understanding some one else’s point of view does not make them confused. Only misunderstood by you and your way of doing things. For there are things that exist in mind alone, as a part of you through your way of doing what it is you like to do. Your beliefs do not Need others to understand them, but you have to have what we call comprehension of self to maintain an ethical life style. As you see,

Every one believes in lies that make them self feel better about them self… Some call these lies Religion, others call it Devil worship, some think of them as a tinny white lie’s that don’t hurt no body… as in when you tell your self you are a good person because you didn’t scream at that asshole who was annoying you … and he would have had it coming to .. Good thing you’re such a kind person and kept you mouth shut or he would have had an ear full …

These kinds of lies that we tell are self seam sensible to us because we are trained to think in this way. A set patterning of ethics used by us and trained to our young as a part of what we think of as commonsense. By are deeds are we known and we train others in are likes and dislikes through are action in how we deal with what we call problems. We spank are children we yell at them or we give them candy and hug them for doing what we like… these ethical behavior are carried by them to there children, and patterning’s of family ethic can be fallowed. This is true from the hate groups of Hitler to the white supremeness of what ever Group they might be calling them selves to spread there dogma not only to there young but to your young or others For the purpose of gathering others that might like being like them. Ethically speaking. There isn’t a person that does not try to share there Ethic with others in a verity of ways.

Remember a state is just an arbitrary political division whose borders are defined by what we call boundaries. These boundaries are what creates the After math of the actions whiplash when dealing with people of other states, countries, and even believe systems…In this you can tell a lot a bout a persons character by the way they treat those they Don’t need to treat well, and remember the boundaries of ethic change as you do, because each persons beliefs are like a game of interpretation. Where the ethic is the actions taken in site of others will living in our belief.

This is Why Elvis Live in an ideological Social Setting and believes you should live and let live according to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness As it relates to each elf individually …

                                                                ... Theology is the study of Ideas and how they are created …

                                                               … I would like to take a Moment to say some thing about Girls …

When a girl rents out her body for the prosses of having sex. She is called a prostitute. But when she rents out here body pushing papers around a desk she is call a secretary. The act is the same… she is renting her body out for this or that serves. The only difference is, in what others think about what she is doing while renting here body out in that or this way. You see she is still Taking Money for a Job she is doing. And if you don’t think sex is a job. Try having sex with some one you don’t like, it takes real work just to stay there long enough for it to end. In an Elvin Social setting we do not judge the Morality of Others only the idea of it being good or bad based on if it is causing harm to others or not. This is a kind of Respect we give to each other while living are own lives. And consider it commonsense to do so.


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