It is by onion only, Compounded and framed, which we perceive as our Beliefs  And in this representation of the Idea of Self, the imaginative power forms the inward faculty that judge our external senses as having substance. In affect creating every thing that is in existence as we believe it to be.

Try this experiment to prove to your self the point that I am trying to make…

You will need one white candle and a black cloth about 3 to 5 feet by 3 to 5 feet height and length…

You will also need a bowl of hot water, slightly steamy…

Now place the cloth about one fist high off the floor and tape it to the wall… Make sure no tape is showing…

Next place the candle about 3 to 6 feet from the cloth so the flame will be in about the middle of the cloth, and place the bowl of hot water close to the candle but not touching it……

Now light the candle and shut off the light so that there is no other light any where in the room. And sit on the floor so you’re facing the candle flame…

This is the cool part... Because you will begin to see a colored orb form around the flame… just watch the different colors in the orb… they will tend to change to a verity of other colors like the rainbow …

After you can see this orb and all its colors as they change … think about what your favorite color was and try to only think of that color… you do this by not saying the name of the color but by imagining what it looked like when you seen it in the orb… after about 3 to 10 days you should begin to see only that color in the orb when you think of the color in that way, and if some one who does not know, that you are doing this experiment,  comes in to the Room,  they will see the color you are thinking of also… the real cool part is, you can learn to change the color to what ever color you want it to be, just by thinking about it, and the other person will see the color change just as you change them …

In this experiment,  It kind of shows that as we think, we are changing what goes on around us. And that we have with in us the ability to change how we see thing, even to the point that others will also see them in that way…. If you don’t get results at first don’t worried. The nerves in your body are new to this and all you need is practice to make them work for you in this way... It’s like this, a body builder don’t just start lifting weights... They had to start small and work there selves to a point that they can now lift 4 or 6 hundred pounds… but when they first started... They could not lift over 200 pounds with out some help… Your nerves also need a chance to grow strong, Both in response to what you are now asking them to do and in the idea that it can be done.  Each step strengthens the new habit you’re now trying to make.

  In learning this one experiment there is nothing that you can not change about your self if you want to …

                                                  Ambition is Constant Desire :

 We have not only sought to refine our environment but also refine our selves… In this, the results of ambition are often built in superstition. Making Possible the evaluation of such behaviors as religion, therefore man is not just a self-realization and reliant on self, but imaginative with primitive reasoning skills that are structured through learned behaviorisms. Trained habits of thought brought in to existence in what we call logical thinking… A kind of mannerism we use wile doing what we like to Do… And think of as right for us as we try to live in the group and social settings… We make are self’s believe what we want, and create what we want to see in this superstition. By way of what we don’t know or understand and call it real and fact as others see it, it takes a hold of the opinions of others or our self’s and it becomes what we choose to believe as fact...

                                                                     So what is ethics :

                               Ethics are created in the action, as we form our habits.

As we choose to do this over that, we strengthen how fast are bodies respond to that or this stimulus. Creating a patterning of what we like best and the way we act with out thinking about what we are doing.

We like to think of are selves as logical thinkers We like to think we have the right to tell others how to think in their own morale structures as if our opinion should matter to them. And we get upset as others tell us what we can do in our lives, or how to believe, as we tell our selves they have all the nerve telling me what to do. How Dare thy. Or should we say how dare we act like that to others... I guess the choice is yours to make, if you choose to.

                                                                             Reason :

Ideas in thought, a mix of Believe with ideas, An assumptions or premise that generates conclusions, The idea of being rational, The idea of the ability to think clearly, The motivational cause giving incentive to purpose through out intentions, and a sense of intelligence in logic.


Motivates a particular course of action, So any factor that enables promotional recognition supply theory that helps bring about that or those action, and induces a course of  influence  or persuasion entirely consistent of the incentive bring about a response .


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