Mythology is narratives of a particular culture, and the study and interpretation that forms one of the principal themes of the ancient beliefs ... In this, a myth may be broadly defined as the explanation of the origin of the universe, or cosmic principal Based in the superstition of some kind of deity, And of relations with ordinary heroes and their exploits.
The belief in Occultism and the efficacy of various practices depends on astrology, alchemy, and acquiring knowledge, in all its many forms. Through repeatable results, So as to have some use full thing conjured from all its parts. And so in this, Creating and performing works of wonder to the eyes of those who don’t know how to do such things is often called magic, until studied .Then its call science. And the true form, in which it was created in, is tossed a side as superstition and forgotten.
AS lightning crossed the sky, man watched in fear. As it hit the ground, Man watched the fire that lightning created in ah… As he walked where the fire burned he found dead cooked meat, and it was good… But now he feared fire for it could kill him, but it did good also… as he sat and thought in pictures he began to make sounds and gestures. So others could understand what he had figured out .They did not under stand him, so he took some of them out to where the fire still burned and collected it… they watched in ah… As he trained them in how to keep fire alive they began to think of it as if it was a live. He became known as a shaman. Fire became known as the son of god, Lightning became known as the father of god, and the Earth became known as the mother of god… Fire was the first born son of god. Thunder was the second son of god, and rain was the first born daughter of god but the third child of god. Each to there own place mint... From these elements, the hole of what we call religion exists in our language to day.
Now, as the people chose either to believe differently or to choose a god to believe in. They did so out of superstition and fear. So some picked fire and some picked earth and some picked wind through sound and some picked rain. And each had a pride in there god and started to say it was the only one. And greater than the other gods… this brought them to fight amongst the tribes. To show the power of there god, for surly if there god was stronger, it would not let it people suffer and die.
Then came a group of people that said they had the only god ,the god that created all gods .and they preached peace while killing off all those who would not bow down before there god… All this being said, you should know , deity comes from not understanding something and wanting to contribute that miss understanding, to some kind of godly miracle, that’s out of there hands... So gods are built from superstition. So those with fear can have a way to explain the unknown. A man eating moldy bread knew nothing of penicillin but was healed from his sickness and praised the miracles of his god. The wise man knows there is no god, and tries to understand the world. So penicillin was found.

Sorcery is female, Wizardry is male Never for get this. Most have forgotten and very few can tell you the difference between the two. Sorcery deals with the moons cycles and the minstrel blood of the women and health of the children and village… Wizardry deals with the sun and stars and the summonsing of plants and animals, and conjuring many other things to help the village…
The Witch and the Shaman specialist, in hunting-gathering, whose main function is to cure disease from there loosely structured, technologically diverse grouping’s. Shamans are male, witches are female. Don’t forget this… it’s very important to know which you are… Your mental health may depend on you knowing it. So how confused are you.
There are groups of people trying to get rid of the way others see there own belief through the word’s used to express what certain groups are… in other words ,they change the meaning of words over time, and the new word creates confusion in those groups through the way outsiders look at those groups. And depending on how popular that or those words become, they completely change those groups in to something totally different from what they originally were. Boy witches, girl shaman bah humbug. A braking down of the way to end those beliefs, so those that started the misconception can do other things ,in time that will force a conformity, of there people so as to put an end to the way of things. And an end to there traditional values, it’s a slavery though a forced obedience. A kind of blind faith others might want you to have when dealing with, what they tell you to believe in. so you don’t start asking to many questions that they don’t want to answer. Conformity is sapping the dynamic individualism that is needed and is the most priceless quality to what we call self. The me that I know I am, Proud to be different.
Mythology has many teachers and professors, seeming hell-bent on imbuing their students with a desire to achieve self as a way to live life to the fullest. To take the risk unthought-of and succeed, after all you cannot make intelligent people by standing sheep on there hind legs. There still just sheep, followers of others, conformist are not born, there made.
Shadows dance on candle light. The patterns there for the site, emotions been set in ambient airs. The shadow that shades what isn’t there, dance to an unheard toon.
We who deal in the occult as I do, are thinkers of men… we are the mage of old… we are the forbidden.


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