An intentional deception,
Built in the anticipation of what is, what was, what would be. That, which once created in the minds eye, Held fast, as the imagination races throw foreshadowed events. The never ending search, Bound by desire, the emotions calls forth the forms of its own choosing, creating the very existence of the path unseen. This is the true power of magic. And the abyss of the fool hearty.
The Idea.
The positioning of some thing new, Starts in the creating of combined thing’s, until all that is there, is with no perceivable trace of that which created it, as if seen from another’s view point. As if the unforeseen event unfolds to reveal the impossible, and like that it is there for all to see…
Mystery’s Edge.
I have knowledge you do not have, And I know it. It’s been said, knowledge with out experience is a fool’s journey. The question is, why? The answer is, knowledge is a faith experience is a fact. But that is no mystery, for with in the positioning of repeatable results, habits are formed. This formation we call fact, as we reach through the facts to create. We are creating things. This is also no mystery. But these things hold no substance in reality, until acted on by us or by those we told about this new thing.
The Demon’s toy
Is the Truth so strange that no one would believe it, or, is the moment lost to what you want to believe, of it, or lost to the way you were trained to see, that which we call things. These unheard whispers, that Demon’s love to tell the truth. Go unheard, but you should know they have no reason to lie. At the edge of the mystery, the idea of truth is there. Built in the anticipation of repeatable results, until acted on by us to reveal the impossible, creating there very existence… The devils in the details, the smallest part entering the whole, and all things are important after all. . .
Shadow Reveal’s
In the realization, patterning of habits give, definition to the structures Formed through belief. Brining in to focus the realized thing… In this realization that which is real, is that which can be realized, regardless of its actuality. These belief patterning’s Bring forth the idea of self, and creates a pride in being different, and a placement in self-reliance. As it’s been said, I conjured forth, I summoned thee emahrae, and named you, what I will.

Trapped in Belief’s
Hold to the idea, that I am I, you are you, and we are us. Proud to be different, structured from this that we call things, the demons toys that shadow reveal’s with in the mystery’s edge, is only one part of the whole of what we will to become in are own imagination’s. Brought forth in deed, creating the very existence of these unheard whispers that we choose to believe in, those intentional deceptions of self.
The eye of the Beholder
Cast its gaze on the world, and the world took a voice. In form and hue, and Brought forth its own understanding… Believing it self in to existents, It put names to all thing it did not know. And created the sharing of those things unseen through the idea of what might be. As if it had Always understood what was possible in the combining of things. A logic undeniable, in its own placement. Fallowing A structured order, ordered through structure, creating the very existent of reality.
And so it Begins
In the way, that all things do those things, which they think of as right, opinions are forged. And are strengthened by Group alliance, through the participation of beliefs. Structuring society as a whole. This creates an entity, a kind of deity thought patterning formed From the Social structuring of the areas.
First things First
We think in pictures, and use words as an expression of those things created there, in way of explanation of the things we think we know. The for telling of visions as seen through the imagination as to how things could be if, every thing could be done in a particular order, in time and space, focused on some future event as if it was, already real. Is a common practice that we call, thinking. Planning out your events, as you want them to happen. In cordons to a particular plan of action, creating each to there own placement. Give stability to actions taken, in the way of things. At some future point.
And so, in the idea of right and what we call wrong. What is this that we like, that others dislike, with in the realization of what we call things. This that we say, we have needs of. Emotions, Feeling, Desires, All stem from placement of habit through are belief in what we think we need to exist. A house, a car, a boat, clothing, some one to talk to, a phone, Are desires. A kind of want that we create in are self to fit in to what other’s think. To give us a sense of importance, this is an intentional deception; we create out of social placements.


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