Words are Symbols 

Each time I want you to understand some idea I am having, rather it be in the form of a question or an answer or some kind of statement I must use what we call words… I know you know this, but. We think in picture form, and we are taught to use words to express the thought. In this we use sound, or tones that we create from are throat that we interpret as having some kind of meaning based in how we were trained to think of things. Giving substance to noises we can make. And some of us use our hands as to help with this understanding of ideas which we symbolize and call words of fazes. 

 So I guess the first thing we should know is, what is the idea of truth and how it relates to the idea in thoughts …

To an elf, truth is relevant to the perception of the idea. That is, It is braced in are reasoning skills. And formed from what we believe possible as it relates to what we know. This is the tricky part because there are elusions created in the idea of things that we want to believe that hold no substance.

 Plausible out come only. Conceivable as realistic and practical but pragmatic idealistic symbolism only, which we chose to be real, because of are experience in what we know to work or be true.

This brings us to other elusions, since truth being relevant to the perception of thought is held in the idea of what we want to believe as true. The words we use to Express the idea behind the word we use are never complete in that, the picture in are minds are all-embracing, Able to create bridges to other possibilities. Where the words we use to express the thought tend to be a solid forms that are unchangeable and from point to point unchanging. Until other points or facts –(as we see them Facts )- are brought in to the mind of the listener, and a particular understanding comes about from what we call our beliefs.  Creating an interpretation of the idea we are trying to express in word form to the listener. This might not seem like an elusion but the listener has its own way of seeing things that bring forth new ideas in there way of thinking… The wizards of old called this possess: Rose Colored Glasses. Just so they could simplify in word form this particular understanding.  So as to bring in to the minds of those who know of such things the relevant to the perception of the idea of what they were trying to say.

In this, words became tools of wizards and they would use them to create spells for heeling the heart via the emotions, or mind via the words them self. And we called that learning, or words of prophecy used to teach theories in magic or what some call today science and or psychology. 

Since These tools Could be spoken in such a way as to bring on sleep, the word hypnotic or hypnosis came to be known as a state of deep relaxation, which if the listener was suggestible would let the speaker convince the listener of things that might not even be true, and or have them act in a way that was not like them selves even to the point of creating new patterning’s of behaviors That could end the fear of some thing or cause a unreasonable fear or love, or hate, or kindness that aloud others to take advantage of them. That the listener may not even be aware that they are going through, Or even care that they were… Take for instances, have you ever herd some one talking about having to talk some girl they like in to having sex with them. Or talking her out of her clothes, this is a hypnotic Technique that people just don’t do well… But are as normal to us as speaking it self, And to some degree socially expectable.

I am going to go on a little tangent, and tell you that I am a Gamer and the kind of Gamer that I am, is a RPG Gamer ( ... RPG stands for Role Playing Game… ) In this kind of Game System, We use Words to create in the Mind of the listener the idea of a world that is created by us. There are rules in the world we create so the player can know what to expect the world to act like as he or she is visiting it. These rules don’t change or the fun you were having might not be there because it is never fun to be told you can’t do some thing you just did. There must be a constant rule that is applied so the world doesn’t fall apart in the Mind of the player. If it does not fallow a certain kind of patterning the words you use to tell the player what is there, won’t make any difference… they won’t be able to make heads or tails out of any of it. And the world you created will fall apart in there eyes and they will go blind to what you are trying to have them see as being there. Confusion and the feeling of being the outcast is all that they will take from your game world. And soon they will ether stop playing or turn rebellious Because of what you are doing in the game, which does not make séance to them… Remember: The words you choose to use, creates the world as the player sees it. The rules you use creates the idea that what you are telling them could happen, or might be able to happen given that kind of circumstance. But only if you are consistent in what you are telling them. The Idea of what is believable must make a patterning that can be fallowed through a logic that you set up in the Game. And because we are not using pictures or other devices just words and dice to play this game, we who are players think of this game as a game of logistical possibilities based in what we can believe is possible. In given circumstances of coerce.    


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